The Frozen Child – A Talk and Healing Meditation
I will explain the theory behind the technique and why it is such an important tool for psychotherapists, holistic health practitioners and supervisors. You will be invited to experience the meditation for yourself. This may help heal something from your own past, but also demonstrate the power of the work.
The meeting is open to health practitioners and others wanting to explore this powerful approach and it will be followed by a one day workshop where you can gain a deeper understanding and begin to practice using the technique with others.
Evolve – Clinical Hypnotherapy Diploma
(FREE – Foundation weekend course)

Advance Your Education, Kick Start a New Career!
In addition to the Diploma, Evolve offers a variety of Workshops and CPD (Continued Professional Development) courses; supervision; mentoring and development programmes. These support the advancing therapist wishing to maintain professional registration. A further advanced training course is also available for experienced therapists wanting to develop clinical practice.
Evolve training is an interactive learning process enabling all types of learners to access this life-changing course. We use an array of assessment tools allowing all students a direct input into their own learning. This helps students to see their own strengths and weaknesses and facilitates learning from experience.
As a student of hypnotherapy here at Evolve, the skills, techniques and knowledge you acquire will not only serve your clients but they will primarily work for you too. We can promise you not only a Diploma to practice but also ten months of self-discovery and a self-development process unlike no other. We look forward to meeting you.
Check out the video below and click the link to register for this FREE weekend Foundation Course.
Core Postural Alignment
The best kept secret in Holistic Health!
Date: 5/6/7th April
Duration: 3 days
Time: 09.00-17.00 (TBC)
Tutors: Allyn Edwards and Sue Weller
Price: £600 with £50 deposit to secure place. Early bird discounts up until 8 March.
CPD: 24
For more information about this amazing course visit the CPA website
To book your place, click the box below
Seated Acupressure Massage Diploma with Academy of On Site Massage
Pre requisite (min): Body Massage incl A&P. This ensures a grounding of hands on experience working on the human body plus, knowledge of the systems and functions of the body and the subsequent effects of massage on these.
As specialists in the field of Seated Acupressure our 4 day diploma provides an in depth, thorough, quality training programme to ensure you provide your best, safest and most effective seated acupressure massage for your clients.
Date: 6/7and 27/28 September
Time: 09.00-17.00
Price: £495 (£100 deposit to secure place, 2 further instalments of £250 and £145)
OR a one off payment of £445
CPD: 20 points
For further information and booking :
Oncology Massage-level 2/3 with Start with Touch
eel confident to massage someone with cancer- become a Certified Oncology Massage Specialist!
Course Prerequisites
This course is only available to qualified massage therapists with a level 3 minimum body massage & A&P qualification and to those who have successfully completed START with touch Level 1 Oncology massage theory course.
Date: Sunday 12th May
Duration: 1 day level 2 Practical day
Tutor: Maureen Bonner
Price: £300 (payment plan available)
For further detail and to book your place
Cameron Reid Training-Osteopathic Techniques for Massage Therapists
Date: 11/12 May 2019
Duration:2 days
Time: 09.00-17.00 (TBC)
Tutor: Cameron Reid
Price: £295
CPD: FHT Accredited Course, 10 CPD points awarded per two day course
STO Accredited Course, 12 CPD points awarded per two day courses
Osteopathic structural techniques are seen as the most safety conscious, specific, effective and effortless. This course will provide you with the necessary awareness, knowledge and skill so that you will be able to use them in your own practice. This will be achieved by building on handling skills, anatomical understanding and practice. This 2 day course will tell you why, and teach you effective ways of assessing, treating & rehabilitating a variety of musculoskeletal conditions.
For further information and booking –
Tom Myers – Anatomy Trains
Body reading 101/102
Date: 29/30 June 2019
Time: 09.00-17.00
Price: Early-bird offer until 29/5/19 £420, thereafter £460
Deposit of £100 secures your place. Remainder payable by 29/5/19.
Ida Rolf said, “seeing is touch at a distance”. Understanding skeletal relationships within the body is the first step in helping our clients unwind movement and postural patterns that are causing pain, dysfunction and keeping them from optimal movement. “Touch is seeing up close” being able to accurately palpate bones to determine relationships is key in our ability to accurately describe those relationships.
101: This one day workshop explores relational anatomy and helps build your seeing and palpation skills to determine skeletal patterns and how they interact in the body. Learn the language of BodyReading, tilt, bend, shift and rotate to accurately describe the geometry of the body in a way your client can understand. Assess common postural patterns in all planes of motion. Skills learned today can be immediately used with your clients tomorrow. This is a must for any practitioner in movement and bodywork and will help take your practice to the next level.
102: Now you are able to see and describe bony relationships learn about the inter-relationships between the Anatomy Trains and the skeleton. The Anatomy Trains lines of pull and force transmission are impacted by skeletal alignment and can also hold the bony alignment in place for better or worse.
“Where you think it is, it ain’t!” – Ida Rolf
Learn how the problem can be very distant from the area of pain.

Meet the Teacher
Michael Watson
Certified to teach:
Beyond yoga, Pilates and Anatomy Trains teaching certifications, Michael leads advanced training programs, retreats and clinics worldwide. He has worked with athletes with disabilities at the Paralympic level of training and continues to develop ideas that bring an integrated approach to health, movement and wellness. As a certified teacher of Yoga, Pilates, functional anatomy and with a degree in Sports science, Michael brings an in depth awareness to his clients based on a strong understanding of anatomy, the body and its function.
A proud father of 3 home birthed children, Michael is also a natural birth advocate and works progressively in his home base of Bermuda alongside his wife in bringing awareness to birth and reforming birth options for women.
To book your place on this amazing course, fill in the booking form below.